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  1. Motoboss

    My Rebuild Continues- This time VK56 swapped.

    So how was the fishing?
  2. Motoboss

    Where did you install your OB emblem?

    On my rod tube
  3. Motoboss

    Let's see those full size rigs - Trucks & SUV

    My mild fishing/camping rig. 2019 F150 SuperCab - Method Bead lock Wheels - ARB Awing 2000 with ARB add-a-room - Decked Drawer System - Custom 8’x8” Rod tube - AdaRack Bd rack - Rhino Cab Rack
  4. Motoboss

    Let them eat SPAM!

    Do you really want to know How the sausage is made
  5. Motoboss

    Let them eat SPAM!

  6. Motoboss

    What Did You Do With Your Rig Today?

    I like the change! Looks great. Can you reinstall the running boards or are they going to have to be cut down?
  7. Motoboss

    New Build for Full Time old duffers.

    Congrats, sweet ride! Let the fun begin.
  8. Motoboss

    New to truck and overloading....ready to get started!

    Oh yeah, you think boats are a deep dark hole, this is like standing on the rim of the Grand Canyon and throwing no limit credit cards into it …..but it’s only money
  9. Motoboss

    New to truck and overloading....ready to get started!

    Welcome to the explore! Love the Raptor, but unfortunately have no experience with it. Keep digging and researching and you’ll get it figured out. Visit and there is a lot of information there. The Vendor section RealTruck offers discounts to forum members which is a great help...
  10. Motoboss

    What Did You Do With Your Rig Today?

    Got the rod tube finished and mounted.
  11. Motoboss

    Midwest members? Anybody alive??

    Gotta go South Central in the State to find anything worthwhile for off roading. But there is plenty gravel and forestry road, along with camping areas to explore for days between Martinsville and the southern State line.
  12. Motoboss

    Midwest members? Anybody alive??

    Indiana here!
  13. Motoboss

    Wheels and tires

    18’s? Not a Subbie but I’m really liking my new Method beadlock wheels and Michelin Defenders LTX in 265/70 R18. Height is just under 33”. I know Defenders aren’t considered “off road “ tires but you’d be surprised. My Wife's Outback runs the same tires.
  14. Motoboss

    Let them eat SPAM!

    Score for the frenchie!
  15. Motoboss

    Indiana Members, check in here.

    Wow 7 kids! You need to overland a bus! Welcome aboard.
  16. Motoboss

    2021 Gladiator Rubicon Diesel - Black

    Nice rig, good luck with it.
  17. Motoboss

    On/Off road tires recommendations

    If you were closer, or want to pay for shipping I would be all over them.