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  1. Motoboss

    Whats one item you cant camp without?

  2. Motoboss

    Camp Shower (Merged)

    I like the kit and think for what you get the whole set up is well worth the price. The video is fantastic! Good stuff.
  3. Motoboss

    Help I don’t know what to do!

    Congrats! It's the beginnings of your future (retirement) relationship. Take advantage of it and enjoy each other while you can.
  4. Motoboss

    Carry Bag For Cast Iron Griddle?

    Helmet bag works great.
  5. Motoboss

    Overland guitar

    Uke. Not very good at it but fun, for me anyway.
  6. Motoboss

    Plates and bowls, let's overthink this together

    My kitchen is kept in a footlocker with Coleman grill, pots and skillet and have not had any issues. As long as the plates are stacked flat, even with a paper towel between or not, they hold up. I stand them upright along the side of the box which seems to work well. Corelle is pretty...
  7. Motoboss

    Plates and bowls, let's overthink this together

    Corelle dishes. Restaurant style silverware. Stackable Rubbermade container, just like at home. Stainless mixing bowl.
  8. Motoboss

    Let them eat SPAM!

    Hold tite, we'll make it thru this Spamdemnic!
  9. Motoboss

    Indiana Members, check in here.

    Interlake is a fun place. You can bite off as much as you want!
  10. Motoboss

    Indiana Members, check in here.,rc_f:rln,rc_ludocids:14836696200567861952,ru_lqi:CiFvZmYgcm9hZCBwYXJrIG5lYXIgamFzcGVyIGluZGl...
  11. Motoboss

    Let them eat SPAM!

    To many letters, you ment Army!
  12. Motoboss

    $900 1980 Ford F250 - Budget Build - The best overlander is the one you have

    Nice. I had a 300/6 manual in my 72 Highboy and was by far the best, most dependable, easiest motor to work on than anything else I've owned. You've got a great truck that'll work for you for years. Keep it up!
  13. Motoboss

    Let them eat SPAM!

    Breakfast !
  14. Motoboss

    Let them eat SPAM!

    Hormel made their first batch of "Spam" back in 1937. With everyone out shopping and hoarding food they have announced they will be making their second batch later this week...
  15. Motoboss

    The funny thread

    My neighborhood social distancing....
  16. Motoboss

    $900 1980 Ford F250 - Budget Build - The best overlander is the one you have

    I love it! Keep at it, you've made a good start. Might want to consider a battery upgrade too. Best thing about budget builds is you don't know what you "need" until you need it. Do the maintenance and replace as you go.
  17. Motoboss

    What is the last thing you bought and plan to buy?

    I carry near 500 pounds with a tool loaded Decked Drawer System and ARE Topper so never empty. I got back the 1inch drop that I had lost from the the extra weight. I prefer it much more than add a leaf as it's a spring that is adjustable to your needs not just a set stiffness. It rides great...
  18. Motoboss

    What is the last thing you bought and plan to buy?

    Got and installed my Roadmaster Active Suspension Next, down the road are new tires.
  19. Motoboss

    Let them eat SPAM!

    Made it to wallyworld and managed to arm wrestle a lady out of 3 cans of original Spam, from the last six cans on the shelf. Whewww that was a close one! Safe for now.
  20. Motoboss

    Indiana Members, check in here.

    Welcome Brandon