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  1. peeeeetey

    What Did You Do With Your Rig Today?

    Same here in NC. Temps are getting in the 70's(day) and it's time to rock and roll.
  2. peeeeetey

    How bare bones do you go for a short trip?

    Gotta keep the wife involved whatever it takes...Trust me.
  3. peeeeetey

    What Did You Do With Your Rig Today?

    Let's all TRY to be careful!
  4. peeeeetey

    What Did You Do With Your Rig Today?

    I put in some window nets I got from Organized Obie 12"x31" Framed Net I have these amazing shelves on both sides and it was space going to waste. I found this website and they have EVERYTHING! Easy to install with only 5 screws per panel.
  5. peeeeetey

    Pandemic Purchases....aka "Retail Therapy"

    Wellll...My wife went from NC to Washington DC this past weekend in her 4runner 3rd gen and said that the shocks sucked. I guess some Bilstein 5100 are soon to be ordered.
  6. peeeeetey

    Let's Talk Cast Iron

    Howos thos on a glass top with cast iron?
  7. peeeeetey

    What Did You Do With Your Rig Today?

    Has anybody done anything with a 80's model s10 blazer? I had 2 of them an 86 and 88 and both were kinda 3rd gen 4runner wannabe's and way under powered.. I never had a 4.3 mine were 2,8's and not worth a flip on power.
  8. peeeeetey

    What Did You Do With Your Rig Today?

    Where is the water tank located? That has been my issue. Where to mount and what kind of tank to not get in the way of the interior of the rig.
  9. peeeeetey

    What Did You Do With Your Rig Today?

    OK guys. It is what it is. You do what you do. If it doesn't work reengineer it. That's what I do. I don't follow any standard form factor just do what looks like it will work until it doesn't then I step back and rethink things. However if it works. Great!
  10. peeeeetey

    What Did You Do With Your Rig Today?

    HAD to install a new starter. Had been sluggish until we got to our son's house yesterday and then DEAD! Went to his house this morning and changed it out in his driveway this morning. New starter came in the mail Friday, but I waited one start too late.
  11. peeeeetey

    East coast Appalachian Byway

    No, but you have interested now.
  12. peeeeetey

    What Did You Do With Your Rig Today?

    Here in NC the heat and humidity make it hard to work on anything without an a/c garage. 90 degrees and high humidity and around my place mosquitos.
  13. peeeeetey

    What Did You Do With Your Rig Today?

    My wife bought a car and the first thing I noticed was that it had keyed lugs on it. We looked all over the car and no key. I sent her to Discount Tire to have them removed and replaced. I don't see a need unless you are in a really high crime area. In that case, Don't drive anything nice...
  14. peeeeetey

    Let's Talk Cast Iron

    This is a 19$ pan from Academy Sports that was ground smooth and seasoned with avocado oil. Cooks like a non stick pan.
  15. peeeeetey

    Who carrys a firearm with them while camping?

    Yes except when I forget it. Also have to know where you are traveling as to rules. "Oh officer it is in the back of the car SOMEWHERE " still doesn't cut it in some states. Could make for a bad trip.
  16. peeeeetey

    Why do you like OB?

    I just like finding people with the same questions that I have about anything and be able to give a little advice whenever it is in my realm of expertise as well as learn from people more experienced than me.
  17. peeeeetey

    Skottle v. Coleman Dual Burner Stove

    I just got a propane conversion for the white gas stove so now I have 4 burners with the cold weather option of 2 on white gas.
  18. peeeeetey

    Let's Talk Cast Iron

    OH I get it! No politics here! Sorry for the misspell. Bottom line is respect the glass!
  19. peeeeetey

    Let's Talk Cast Iron
