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  1. df150

    Easy Hand Washing Trick

    Great idea, haven't used bar soap for years
  2. df150

    SOLD Leitner Designs Active Cargo System - $650 - KY / Local

    Once it's all done and border is open, if you still have it for sale, I will be really consider to drive over to Kentucky, to pick it up , was looking for Leitner rack for a while now, also have f150 short bed
  3. df150

    Ok what now?

    Well hopefully my work will go on during this outbreak, still need to get bed rack and RTT , still have plans for big trip in 2021 or maybe Expo West this coming summer, who knows , how its all going to be.
  4. df150

    Looking at getting a Solo Stove - Ranger

    I have one, used as a fire pit at my back yard, I think its very good, kids like it too. comes with travel bag, it's not small ,but there a different sizes available, depends on needs.
  5. df150

    2018 F-150 Build

    Looks good , 2018 Lariat v8 here
  6. df150

    Winch Options? - Need advice ('18 F150)

    Rough Country makes hidden winch mount, no eco boost engine.v8 only. I went with Westin Hdx Grill Guard winch mount on my F150,have not got the winch yet.
  7. df150

    GAIA and apple car play

    I have it in beta testing on apple car play in f150 (sync 3), I just drive around with it, it does shows all roads ,streets names, hwy, parkings ,parks,there was just recent update ,it changed a little, you can zoom in/out and move side to side, no touch screen
  8. df150


    New here from Ontario,Canada.