West Virginia Adventure Travel Day 2024

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Kent R

OB Executive Director
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Pathfinder III

El Dorado, Ca
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Retired Firefighter
Help support West Virginia Country Roads Coalition February 15&16, 2024.

WV Senator Mark Maynard is a off roader who works tirelessly to support our sport.
Greetings from the Capitol. Below is the schedule planned for this years WV adventure travel day at the Capitol on Friday February 16th. If you would like to attend and set up a booth at no cost, please email your rsvp to Country Roads Coalition Secretary Marcus Yonkers at myonker219@gmail.com.
If you have questions, please email Country Roads Coalition Chairman, Jerry Bain at jerrybain8@gmail.com.
Also we have openings for adventure travel vehicles on the capitol grounds. It will be great photo opportunities plus a way to get display items a little closer to the capitol. Rsvp Marcus separately with pictures of your vehicle, to be accepted and listed with capitol security.

The 1pm lower rotunda introductions and presentations should have all pertinent state agencies and cabinets represented that affect our industry for a great question and answer discussion and meet and greet time.