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  1. Hafaday

    What Did You Do With Your Rig Today?

    Ha ha. Good stuff.
  2. Hafaday

    New member from Virginia

    Welcome from Richmond, Va.
  3. Hafaday

    What Did You Do With Your Rig Today?

    Damn! That sucks.
  4. Hafaday

    What Did You Do With Your Rig Today?

    Tire rotation and oil change.
  5. Hafaday

    Lets see some trail photos!

    Some older pic's for fun. all in Virginia mountains. 1st. Early spring last year. 2nd. traffic jam 3 years ago. A good day it was. 3rd. My Rover about 10 years ago.
  6. Hafaday

    Lets see some trail photos!

    Not a current pic. Last year in the mountains of Virginia. Sent from space using MyphoneOB Talk
  7. Hafaday

    2017 Jeep JKU Rubicon "Snow"

    I added LED's, Then removed them. Preferred the stockers. Gotcha.
  8. Hafaday

    2017 Jeep JKU Rubicon "Snow"

    Nice.. Just curious as to why the change from the Taco to the Jeep? I'm thinking of going the other way (Jeep to a Tacoma). I don't want to mess up your build thread, PM me if you want.
  9. Hafaday

    US East Northern VA / MD Monthly Meetups

    Will do. [emoji1360] Sent from my iPhone using OB Talk
  10. Hafaday

    US East Northern VA / MD Monthly Meetups

    How goes it, All? Thinking of running out to find some new stuff sunday.
  11. Hafaday

    US East Northern VA / MD Monthly Meetups

    Looks like grease setting on the caliper piston.
  12. Hafaday

    What Did You Do With Your Rig Today?

    Put the winch and plate back on.. took them off for a couple months to watch engine temps. Of course it runs cooler with out it blocking half the rad.
  13. Hafaday

    US East Northern VA / MD Monthly Meetups

    Right on! Looks like good times. Might try and join you all some time.
  14. Hafaday

    Some noob questions for mapping and nav gurus

    You are opening a can of worms here.... Just kidding. Bluetooth antennas are add on devices for your phone/tablet/ipad. There are several different makes and models. I also understand it as, these add on antennas will take priority over any gps in said phone/tablet (better or more accurate is...
  15. Hafaday

    US East Northern VA / MD Monthly Meetups

    Nice pic's.. Which way did you all go up to get to Flag Pole? 33 to Dunkle hollow, Union springs rd. or Briery Branch rd. and across the top of the ridge line.
  16. Hafaday

    2007 Jeep JKU

    Cool beans.. Must haves vary by person. I'm sure others will chime in. For a start. My suggestion is some kind of traction mat. same for tire deflators (your choice). An air compressor to re-inflate A snatch strap for you to be recovered, or recovering someone else. NON-HOOK type. a shovel...
  17. Hafaday

    Are tail light guards lame?

    Rite rite. Cool, Hope they work out for you. Question for ya?? Are they plastic or alloy? My eyes say an alloy/metal from the looks. Just curious. Sent from my iPhone using OB Talk
  18. Hafaday

    Are tail light guards lame?

    Looks are one thing, functional is another. that said, I have never been much for them on any vehicle going off road. Have seen to many broken lenses with the guard in ok shape. and sticks/twigs wedged between the guard and lens. My $.02
  19. Hafaday

    Wanted Scepter fuel cans/water cans

    Ok.. all I could find on the Mil. fuel cans were on ebay at $100.+ each. I did find a place in Canada that has them, but have no idea on the price of shipping (international).
  20. Hafaday

    Wanted Scepter fuel cans/water cans

    They are the Military water cans. Was trying to say, the place might have or can get the fuel cans.