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  1. justin marsh

    Roll Call....Australia ?

    hi Daz this is the place I was thinking of. Booloonda tunnel off Gin Gin mount Perry RD QLD
  2. justin marsh

    Roll Call....Australia ?

    hi Daz your profile picture looks familia whereabouts is that tunnel. and it good to see the group is growing . the big get togever this year going to be pretty good hope I can get there.
  3. justin marsh

    Rig Photos

    that reminds me of some of my favourite places out in the channel country in western Queensland Australia
  4. justin marsh

    Roll Call....Australia ?

    hope it ended well
  5. justin marsh

    Camp Photos!

    coopers creek camping
  6. justin marsh

    Roll Call....Australia ?

    welcome to the crew
  7. justin marsh

    Roll Call....Australia ?

    welcome to the crew
  8. justin marsh

    Free Training for Aus OB members

    the remote first aid sounds like it would be a good refresher course
  9. justin marsh

    Free Training for Aus OB members

    hi Dunco whats the difference between the first aid CPR and remote first aid mate
  10. justin marsh

    Camp Photos!

    true that
  11. justin marsh

    OB Approved Basic Vehicle Recovery

    sweet look forward to it
  12. justin marsh

    OB Approved Basic Vehicle Recovery

    thanks Dunco for spending the time writing these up, great information