Jim Lowell

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Currently have my Patrol wintering in Irkutsk Siberia near lake Baikal along with a landcruiser 75 series. We go back in the spring and go south into Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, and Tajikistan. We are trying to make it down to India but it may be too dangerous as we get down near Kashmir. If it gets iffy we will head back and cross Mongolia to get to Vietnam and other places in that neck of the woods.

I like over landing where there are not many others. South America is awesome but was touristy 25 years ago although I still love it.
I decided to try the eastern block about 8 years ago. Ukraine & Russia..then became interested in the other places I knew nothing about and couldn't pronounce. :)

Kinda been doing this exploring since I was 16. Definately had 9 lives at one time......
October 21
Houston & the hill country @ Canyon lake mostly
Vehicle Year Make Model
2014 Landcruiser
2012 Nissan Patrol G61 Turbo diesel
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