Recent content by JCross

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  1. JCross

    What Did You Do With Your Rig Today?

    The white 80 is a thing of beauty
  2. JCross

    What Did You Do With Your Rig Today?

    Steering Knuckle service. When I get the 3rd members done then it can go back together.
  3. JCross

    What Did You Do With Your Rig Today?

    Steering Knuckle service.
  4. JCross

    What Did You Do With Your Rig Today?

    Got the lower links cut to length and welded out. Now to clean them paint them and assemble them.
  5. JCross

    Picture Request

    That is awesome, I appreciate it.
  6. JCross

    What Did You Do With Your Rig Today?

    Let the fun begin. Phase 1 Service wheel bearings front and rear Service steering knuckles Service manual hubs Rebuild all 4 calipers Brake job Correct/finish rear suspension Gear change with e-lockers front and rear Install spool in transfer case
  7. JCross

    What Did You Do With Your Rig Today?

    The tent seems to be in working order. Now onto the other 100 things to do.
  8. JCross

    Clarksville, TN

    I plan on doing The Dirt Devil as a practice run for my trip on the CDT as soon as I get some things done on the 4runner. Please post up what the trail is like.
  9. JCross

    What Did You Do With Your Rig Today?

    I have wanted an 80 series for years but could never find the right one. Now I'm too deep into my 4runner to change course.
  10. JCross

    Satellite phone

    My wife wants to be able to talk to our daughter while on the CDT. Does anyone have any experience with renting a satellite telephone?
  11. JCross

    What Did You Do With Your Rig Today?

    Wonder how many MPGs the RTT will cost?
  12. JCross

    What Did You Do With Your Rig Today?

    You're making my OCD jealous.
  13. JCross

    What Did You Do With Your Rig Today?

    I have the single drawer version in my Tacoma, excellent product.
  14. JCross

    What Did You Do With Your Rig Today?

    What kind of RTT is that.