Influencer II
Influencer II
Influencer II
I don't think the $1100.00 is going to cover that ether!Tires.
Hands down the most important mod is tires. The best rig in the world is nothing but a 5,000# doorstop without good rubber on the rims. I will sleep out in the open, eat packaged food, and buy yard sale camping gear before I skimp on tires.
Next I would go for recovery gear. Shackles, straps, shovel, maybe a high-lift jack.
Then I would do a lift and armor, but I do more crawling than many here. I would at least get some sliders.
Finally, buy gasoline, a map, and point the headlights at something interesting.
Advocate II
Trail Blazer III
It's more about the order of operations. When someone asks for guidance on their build, I try to cover the general trajectory, not just the first step. Plus, the thing that I would do isn't necessarily what the next guy would. Seeing the direction and understanding the "why" can be as helpful as just getting a simple answer. This way he can decide if the reasoning is sound and if it applies.I don't think the $1100.00 is going to cover that ether!
Influencer II
i like that!When I don't have anything planned for the Truck and I have extra Cash, I use it for paying for my Licenses, Camping Fees and sometimes even a Trip slush fund. ..A slush fund because it never fails to have to pay for a broken part either on the Trail or after the trip. And without fail, no matter how good your accountant is, a life bill will pop up that needs your attention, lol.
Basically I'm suggesting that we do anything in our power to make sure we can actually get on the trail. I don't think it necessarily matters how built our vehicles are with the latest fancy stuff. Get the basics covered, Water, Food, Fuel, Licenses & Time. I've always thought the most important things were Time and actually Getting the tire on the Trail. If your tires hit the trail, you're 3/4 the way there. :0)
Enthusiast III
Absolutely agree. It's priority dependent...camping, trails, traveling, etc.My best suggestion is to start with the bare minimum to get yourself out there camping, and see what you specifically need. For example, I would love to get a ham radio installed, but for now I have absolutely no need for one since no one else I go out with has one, whereas someone else on here absolutely needs a ham. All depends what you need.