When in bear country, do not keep food in your tent. Do not keep any trash out side. Do not wash your dishes near where you sleep.
If a bear has ever got food from an ice chest, it will go straight for your ice chest, even if it has never been used. Best bet is to keep everything in tight containers inside your vehicle with windows all the way up. Do not bring dirty cookweare into bear country.
You could suspend your food from a tree, but if it isn’t in tight containers the smell will still travel in the wind. And then you have to worry about squirrels and birds.
I have seen black bears destroy tents for empty chip bags, and go through camper windows for dirty dishes. If there is anything that will make them curious, they will try to find it.
If you travel with a dog that will keep their curiosity down some.......unless what ever is attracting them is really strong.