What small thing do you do in prepping for a trip the next day?

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CDN Prairie Ambassador
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Winnipeg, MB
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(not sure if this is the right sub section, move if needed)

There are always a few little things that we do that maybe not everyone does. I'm not talking about the "big pack".... I'm talking about the little things that you think are good/essential to do for you.

The day prior to leaving I always prep my ARB fridge to a colder temperature than I would be using once on the trail. Tonight I have it plugged into AC power and have it set to -10C.

I also plug a charger onto my batteries and have them completely topped up for when we go. Granted, we have a bit of a drive and that charges my batteries but we also crawl through the bush for a few hours towards the end of the trip at low idle... a lot of times with the a/c on and the fridge working as well. I just like to make sure I start off fully charged.

I also put extra air in my tires to haul the heavy trailer on the highway and crank up my CDC valves on my Icon shocks to stiffen things right up as much as they go. It really improves the handling.

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like you double check all fluid levels, not that I've ever had an issue but who knows where Mr Murphy will strike

& like santa claus I go over the list a couple of times, its so easy to forget small items like bug spray

mostly its organizing the rig


Rank IV

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Air up, check fluids, get music, load GPS, rainx windows..
We travel with kids so there is a bit of backseat prep as well - toys, sunglasses, hats..

My ideal situation is we load up and roll out, without having to do anything the morning of.. I also find it useful to have 98% ready to go the night before so my brain can process any last minute items..
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CDN Prairie Ambassador
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Influencer II

Winnipeg, MB
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Ahhh yes... I've been meaning to get RainX for the windows. I use the washer fluid... but to do the side windows and give the front one a real good treatment would be great.

I also have everything packed the day/night before... and there's always some little thing that morning that ends up being remembered.

We have the kids as well so they have their box of crafts/books/etc... that gets placed between them.

We try not to get up and RUSH out the door.... we get up early enough to digest a cup of coffee... get the morning bathroom breaks done... then load everyone into the vehicle.

We try for a decent departure time... like 0800.... and we usually ccomplish that or just a few minutes past.... it's always a high-five occurrence! :sunglasses: