Blinding truck lights, hate those. And worse, newbs driving around on the street with led bars on. Then again, I love they way they sound when an axe goes through them.
Generators. Really, you need a gen for piddly lights? Save the gens for nights that require AC.
Loud music at night. Ya'll could have partied at home.
Anyone that moves my solar panel, table or anything, for any reason at all.
People that ''reserve'' spots for their buddies that will never show up anyways. I make a note that everyone in the campground may help themselves to my cooler, except those people.
Self centered morons at a boat ramp. Oh great, boaters want to boondock as well. Yay.
Curse of the externally mounted BRAND NEW, scratch free, shovel. Hardcore bad luck.
Curse of the perfectly new externally mounted Maxtax.
Curse of the new highlift jack....
Curse of the empty Rotopax....
Curse of.....well you get the idea.