Rank IV

Enthusiast III
Added a Roofnest Condor RTT to Beef Taco.
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Enthusiast III
Trail Blazer I
Looks good! Love the 4Runner TRD wheels too!Added a Roofnest Condor RTT to Beef Taco.
Advocate III
Enthusiast III
Thanks, they actually came with the truck from the dealer when I bought it, as well as smoked lights and black badges. Love it.Looks good! Love the 4Runner TRD wheels too!
Enthusiast I
Advocate I
Member III
Advocate III
Influencer III
Wow! What a change.
Influencer III
The junkyard part would be just as brittle and probably not save you that much.$72 Bonehead Mistake:
In hoping to get my AC working better, I removed and cleaned the blower motor and condenser casing on my van, on a tip from a pal on expo. All went fine, easy-peasy. Cleaned ages-old caked up dust on the fins on the squirrel cage with some 303 cleaner, q-tips, and water. Cleaned up the motor housing, too. Was all nice and shiny black. Put it off to the side on top of the air filter housing.
Reached into the casing and pulled out a bunch of long pine needles and leaf bits; enough to fill up a 16 oz tumbler. Stuck my shop vac hose in there to get any tiny bits.
View attachment 194939....View attachment 194941
Welll...the blower motor and squirrel cage slid off the sloped air filter housing and fell to the driveway. Broke a two and half inch piece out of the rim of the old brittle cage, along with the top edges of several fins. Cracked the cage at the bottom, too. So I Krazy-glued it all back together nice and neat. Let that set up, spun it around and looked good. Re-installed everything; which is really just blower motor, vent hose, coolant overflow reservoir, and associated connections. Looked all nice and tidy and clean.
Took her for a drive to see if it was blowing any cooler, with all that debris now gone. Turned it to cold and turned on the blower. It immediately sounded awful, like I don't know what, but the dash was vibrating and the blower was thrumming like a woodcock in heat. Turned it off quick. I knew what probably happened and headed back to the yard.
Took it all apart again to find the squirrel cage had exploded, as I figured.
View attachment 194940
Called the parts store, heard they had one in stock, and told 'em I'd be down in a bit. Ate dinner, then went and got the new one. I suppose I could've searched junkyards tomorrow for just the cage, but for 72 bucks and tax, it was worth saving the time and effort tomorrow to just get a whole new assembly.
I'll use the old motor for something, sometime.
Maybe I'll fab up a 12v ceiling fan with giant blades for the rooftop tent.
That was a $72.00 bonehead move, letting it sit on the sloped air filter housing. Told my kid what I'd done and she said "Well, you won't do THAT again!" I said "Ha, yeah, I don't know, I probably will."
Advocate III
.The junkyard part would be just as brittle and probably not save you that much.
Member III
Influencer III
To add the DIC switches, I ended up with a woodgrain trim piece. Flat black spray took care of that blasphemy.Was bored with my interior so added this rosewood dash kit. Makes me overland better lol.
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Pathfinder I
Member III
Enthusiast III
Member II
Advocate III
Member III
Influencer III
Good for another 50 ft-lbs of torque!Another performance mod lol.
View attachment 195644
Gas pedal not perfect but it’s a 2002 rig. I don’t care lol. It’s not coming off.
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