Thanks for sharing. Be nice to know where you were when you took the pic's if you ever have time.
@Lanlubber -
I could have predicted that someone was going to ask

As accurately as I can remmember. Mostly because AllTrails will not register a completed trail unless you reach a very specific coordinate, so even you have reached the end of the trail unless one gets to this one spot it will not register the trail as 'completed' and so will not keep it in the history.
184609, 153638, 163159- these were taken on lookouts on HWY 26/89/191 between Moran and Jackson Wyoming- Albright View Overlook, Blacktail Ponds Overlook, Schwabacher Landing.
175415- was taken in Twin Falls Idaho- The I. B. Perrine Bridge
160247- This was a heard of Bison grazing off Antelope Flats road in Gros Ventre by Morman Row.
141329- I don't remember exactly which trail to get to this lake- I would need to look at my GPS, but it was off HWY 22 near Jackson Wyoming
142439- Lake Lackawaxen, off Blood Lake trail HWY 224 near Park City Utah- was bout about an 8 mile out and back
2487- taken somewhere off Wilson/Moose Rd (HWY 390)
145616- Ketchum Idaho- scenic overlook trial off Sun Valley ski resort.