So there have been big changes in our world. The Tacoma in the picture is gone and replaced with a 2019 Tundra Off Road - dual cab. I/we decided on an R Pod trailer that I have modified for off-grid outings (dual batteries, 200 watts solar, MPPT, improved 12 volt system) and I am now adding to the Tundra. ARB Summit bull bar and 2 sets of LED driving/flood lamps, 9500 lb. winch all being put together in my garage for install later this/no next week! Wiring a dual battery & C-Tek charger/controller, finished a set of sliding drawers in the box (fits all my gear and still room), Air bags bought and on next. 12 volt, USB, Anderson plugs for accessories and interior box lights next (for Snow Master fridge/freezer and stuff). Pictures to follow but here is a teaser. This is near our home (Abraham Lake - Alberta).