What are Overland Bound Challenge Coins?

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How about giving all our members who are currently on deployment a free coin as a thank you?
Does that Include Retired Military service and who are stilling serving in a Civilian capacity as Contractors CONUS & OCONUS? I retired w/ 23 years active Duty US Army Ft Bragg and currently still work alongside our troops to support them in Bagram Afghanistan I've been here for 7 plus years.

Defender 90 Keith

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Does that Include Retired Military service and who are stilling serving in a Civilian capacity as Contractors CONUS & OCONUS? I retired w/ 23 years active Duty US Army Ft Bragg and currently still work alongside our troops to support them in Bagram Afghanistan I've been here for 7 plus years.
I wouldn't count on it. I retired after 23 years in the Royal Navy and I'm not entitled despite my current employment status. On the other hand I'm not in the US either.
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Laughing Otter

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Does that Include Retired Military service and who are stilling serving in a Civilian capacity as Contractors CONUS & OCONUS? I retired w/ 23 years active Duty US Army Ft Bragg and currently still work alongside our troops to support them in Bagram Afghanistan I've been here for 7 plus years.
I believe we set up or maybe we talked about setting up a veteran's program like the active military coin program. I'll check on that and get back to you after Christmas, cool?
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Michael, I don't see any coins other than the Ambassador coin in the store. Do any others exist? If so how does one get those to award out? I have already awarded the five Ambassador coins I purchased and need more.
Also, I thought you would create a "Trail Guardian" coin for being a good custodian of trails by cleaning up trash and doing repairs. Is that in the works?


M Rose

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A word...
Back in the day (before challenge coins became a 'thing'), a coin was passed via a handshake. The person doing the coining would palm the coin in their right hand and pass the coin while shaking hands. It was the equivalent of saying "I'd go to war alongside you".
The important part was that the handshake. The coin was only evidence that the handshake had taken place.
From that point on, the coinholder had to keep the coin in their possession at ALL times. Sometimes, one would have to get pretty inventive to ensure they were ready for a coincheck with no notice. In a bar, etc., being coinchecked and not being able to produce the coin resulted in the offender owing other coinholders the next round of drinks. On post, the offender would be subjected to some form of hideous (and usually hilarious) retribution.
Also, not all coins are created equal. There are 'trump' coins out there. A few years ago, my nephew and I were out for drinks with a friend of mine. My nephew didn't know him. My nephew slapped his 82nd Abn coin on the bar in an attempt to roast me for a free drink. My buddy pulled out a coin given to him by the Secretary of Defense. Trumped. Sort of like dropping four of a kind when your opponent is sitting on a royal flush.
I've been retired for almost ten years now, and my coin is in my pocket right now. In short, if you want to pass out coins, that's fine, but don't forget the important part - the handshake.
My .02
I see your SoD coin and raise you a GW Bush x 2

Overlanding Lawyer

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I see your SoD coin and raise you a GW Bush x 2
I'll call with coins from every setting President since Reagan, (excluding Brandon's) each DCI, and my favorite TF-Dagger made from trade-tower steel! That being said, I hope to earn an OB Coin one-day. Coins earned are the best!

Ethan N

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What is an Overland Bound Challenge Coin?

Challenge Coins
have a long history in the U.S Armed Services and we are proud to extend this tradition to Overland Bound. Originally conceived by Overland Bound Military Veterans, this series holds the same intent, tradition, community, and acknowledgement as the military equivalent.

The Overland Bound Ambassador Challenge Coin is held by and granted to individuals who spread the word, help others in the community, and demonstrate Overland Bound core values.

View attachment 8753

There are three types of OB Coins:
  1. Sequentially numbered : These cannot be bought and are earned in the field, on the trail, or in the forums. They are gifted by Overland Bound or its members.
  2. Unnumbered: These have no number on the face and can be purchased here so you may gift them to reward an individule: Blank Coin
  3. Member Numbered: These will have your OB Member number etched on the face. People will know who the coin originated from, even if it is granted to multiple people over the years and can be purchased here: Member Coin
Coins are heavy metal with epoxy color measuring 1.5 inches diameter and 4mm (5/32) inches thickness.

Want to earn a FREE coin? Please do!

By engaging with the community, you can earn a free numbered coin (again, these cannot be bought). Overland Bound has four badge tracks that support our founding principles. You can find them in your "Profile Page" under the tab "Badges". The four tracks are:
  1. Ambassador - Spread the word, reinforce our values, demonstrate through action that which we stand for. Help others in the community
  2. (coming soon) Adventurer - Map locations and travel, sharing destinations and helping others explore
  3. (coming soon) Innovator - Unique inventions, techniques, or suggestions to make overlanding easier
  4. (coming soon) Challenger - Extreme travel conditions, recovery, and overcoming challenges you face while overlanding
If you complete all goals in any track, Overland Bound will send you the numbered coin for that track for FREE! Goals must be completed from date of joining the forums or Overland Bound.

If you complete all tracks, we will send you the "Overland Bound Legendary Member" coin for FREE! No version of this coin can ever be bought.

*It has also been alluded to, if a Ambassador Challenge Coin is presented by a member at an Overland Bound gathering, and tapped on a hard surface, you have 10 seconds to show your coin, or the drink is on you, whether it be beer or Sarsaparilla!
Are these Sequentially Numbered versions still available? I never heard about these until I saw it on my Homepage today. I finished the Ambassador track in November of last year. Just wondering, thanks!
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Kent R

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I will take care of this in the morning.
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Kent R

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"Update from Corrie"

*Update 2/28/24* Hi everyone! We are updating the challenge coin program for 2024 and will post our new program when it is live. Look for a formal announcement soon.

Kent R

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any updates on anything ? , they even said (Michael and Corrie) they do new special stuff but nothing is happening in a year ..................
Ill get with Corrie and find out whats up. I have a meeting with her this week.

Thanks for the reminder
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