Very basic Overland trailer

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Pathfinder I

Oakland, CA
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I have a very basic trailer build that I am doing for easy to moderate trails. Using a 70's Chevy sidestep pickup bed as a base. Picked it up for $500 off craigslist. Building a rack for the RTT right now. Got rims and tires to match the Hummer and will paint it to match also when it is almost done. It has a ball hitch right now, but I will change that to either a pintle or other articulating hitch connector. The rack is half done and has been sitting there untouched for over a month now. Will get back to it when work slows down a bit



Rank V
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Pathfinder I

Oakland, CA
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Another view with pintle attachment. 2-3" too high though. Receiver is lower than that. Should I just not worry about towing at a slight angle or should I change the height to level the trailer while towing?



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Off-Road Ranger I

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It is a safety thing. When your trailer is sitting flat, then you can count on it to track properly in an emergency situation. If the trailer is angled back, it will wiggle. Maybe not so much just going down the highway, but it will wiggle in the event of an emergency maneuver. If the trailer is angled forward, it will put too much tongue weight on the tow vehicle during an emergency stop. It's bad enough having a trailer pushing you forward, let alone pushing down on the rear of the tow vehicle. When I built my trailer I had my welder guy fab up front spring hangers so I could adjust the trailer height, and then welded a steel panel on the tonge to mount the ring onto, that, if necessary can adjust the height by unbolting the tongue from the trailer and flipping it over. Between the two adjustments I am able to level the trailer. In this shot, the trailer is empty, no water, no gas, no ice, no food, once loaded the springs compress about 3/4" and it levels out nicely. DSC00109.jpg IMG_3094.JPG IMG_3091.JPG
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Rank V
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Pathfinder I

Oakland, CA
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Yeah, I am gonna get the adjustable mount like that. I have the tongue on the trailer setup to receive any Type of attachment.