Unlimited offroad show

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Rank VI

Member III

Hunt county, TX, USA
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Well today was the last day of the texas uor show/ expo there were around 8 overland related items at the show. We cruized around the parking area infield and we seen absolutely no overland bound emblems on any of the rigs that had rtts, snorkels, etc. The show was super small atleast to someone whose gone to both the pri shows and to sema this show was absolutely sad they didnt even bother to open torchys tacos. Most of the trucks at the event were either rock buggys, jeeps or straight up mall crawlers there were 2 real trophy trucks and maybe 3 wannabe raptor trophys. Dont worry if yall didnt go atleast one member was there to represent the texas overlanding crowd.


Rank I
Launch Member

Traveler I

I was pretty upset I couldn’t make it due to a wedding out of state. Last year was solely Offroad racing / rock crawling. I don’t recall a single overlander being there


Rank VI

Member III

Hunt county, TX, USA
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Next month there is the option of going to the 4wp truck and jeep show in dallas market hall for free or the bolivar jeep bash on crystal beach they are both on the weekend after mothers day. If the 4wp show is anything like the uor show i dont want anything to do with it. Im leaning towards actually overland camping and doing a little shark fishing down on the beach.

Traveler I

We enjoyed the show and fell in love with the display by Exploration Outfitters out of Mead, OK. We definitely want one of these Patriot Campers they are selling. The gentleman we spoke to there also told us about a family out of Canada that their company customized a Jeep for overloading. The family is going on an epic family road trip... YouTube: Epic Family Road Trip ... great videos.
