Influencer II
Hey Everyone!
Some of the members have been wondering about getting a UK Regional Patch much like the other Official Regions in USA and Australia
@Defender 90 Keith and Myself had started a small conversation on of the other threads earlier in the year but had mentioned it again today,
If you want to put forward ideas for the region patch, we can all collaboratively come up with a design that the majority are happy with and go from there with OB HQ
Some of the members have been wondering about getting a UK Regional Patch much like the other Official Regions in USA and Australia
@Defender 90 Keith and Myself had started a small conversation on of the other threads earlier in the year but had mentioned it again today,
If you want to put forward ideas for the region patch, we can all collaboratively come up with a design that the majority are happy with and go from there with OB HQ