U joint style hitch

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Mesa, AZ
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Don't know that version, but the Max Coupler is a popular option and I believe we members can get a 10% discount. Really good for the offroad scene. Standard ball coupler can pop off at extreme angles
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Rank V
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Mesa, AZ
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Probly overthinking this, but isnt a u-joint strong for rotational things. Not push-pull?
A typical driveshaft with U-Joints has little caps that keep the driveshaft in place. This is much more robust and I am sure can take a much greater load.


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Anchor Mtn

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I have towed a lot of trailers to a lot of places trailers shouldnt go over the years.

I offer the Max Coupler line because I have abused the products and they have always gotten me home. I dont sell them because the markup is great, Im friends with the owner or any other BS. The Max Coupler is a simple, reliable system with very few moving(special) parts. They connect with standard 5/8" hitch pins and use a polyurethane bushing. Nothing fancy.

The other popular option here in the US is the Lock-N-Roll. Its a little more complicated of a system. I know a few years ago they had troubles with failing while reversing but Im under the impression they have resolved that issue.

The cheapest, and time tested option is a Pintle Hitch. They are noisy, heavy and dont offer you quite the articulation the others do. But they are cheap and damn near bulletproof.
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I have a Pintle on a M416 trailer and agree they’re bulletproof. As far as for articulation and old vet showed me that with proper lubing of the lunette and not have the spring cranked tight you could barrel roll the trailer and go crazy places with that setup. Still the max coupler is a sweet setup
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