Trolling around my little town in Southern NH

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RJ Howell

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Auburn, NH USA
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I have built a couple routes north out of Auburn NH. I do keep going back out and looking at new and more interesting ways of getting north. Current endeavor is working the first leg out of my little town and improve it a bit. I've chosen to go the RT16 corridor north though I still barely travel on Rt16. I am always searching out new dirt roads to travel north! Today I worked a few close by to see what changes to my route I could make. Only a Class VI became viable, but a couple more dirt paths/roads could become part of, 3 Class VI are just too tight for a route North (or what I wish to do with my rig).

It typically takes me all day to drive to Tripoli Road and Osceola Vista WMNF CG. I'm always trying to improve that drive with more dirt. Still hoping not to turn it into a 2 day drive to get that far... LOL Hell it takes me 4 days to get to Pittsburg now!!!

Anyone in the area wishes to come along, just let me know. You have suggestions please do let me know.

RJ Howell

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Auburn, NH USA
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I didn't think there were any dirt roads left in Southern NH.
Several in fact! It's tough to connect them without touching pavement for any distance.. That's my challenge in Southeastern NH! Tell ya though, some of the tarred roads I've travel should be ripped up and returned to dirt!!


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@RJ Howell if you run into some that are too narrow for your rig let me know I might be able to scout them out with my TJ jeep. Especially routes between RT302 and RT26
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Several in fact! It's tough to connect them without touching pavement for any distance.. That's my challenge in Southeastern NH! Tell ya though, some of the tarred roads I've travel should be ripped up and returned to dirt!!
I've been on a few like that in NH. Coming off Jefferson Notch rd, which was dirt, and crossing base road to Clinton rd. which ws paved. Clinton rd was horrible! Its much better since a section of it washed out one Spring. Smoothed most of the boulders right away.