Influencer I
I want my Rig to be ready for Overlanding at a moments notice without too much hassle. So considering communication, while on the trail and off (everyday driving), the dash would have the following: Cell Phone, CB Radio, GMRS Radio, Ham Radio, means of navigation (GPS unit, iPad Mini, etc). So you can imagine how cluttered the dash is going to be. This is why I want to stick to Radios and Devices that have a remote head unit so I can mount the bulk of the devise elsewhere. In an effort to save space one might suggest to get rid of the CB since they are antiquated and are being replaced by GMRS. While I believe this to be true, there are still a lot of folks out there that still use CB's, so it stays for now. I am asking for advise about what else I can do to conserve real estate on my dash and surrounding area. I believe I can combine GMRS and Ham via the MARS modification but I am still looking into that. Any suggestions or what have you done with your Rigs?