Traveler II
tell me what you guys think or if you have better recommendations for a hand held.
Traveler II
Member II
What are the license requirements for this? Similar to ham or is it the same thing as ham?tell me what you guys think or if you have better recommendations for a hand held.
Member III
Apply with the FCC, pay $70 and you're licensed. Too easy.What are the license requirements for this? Similar to ham or is it the same thing as ham?tell me what you guys think or if you have better recommendations for a hand held.
Member III
That looks like a good one as well. I picked up this model. I like that it came in a pair so I can give the other to someone else in my immediate family that my GMRS license covers (or someone else who needs one on the trail that's licensed).tell me what you guys think or if you have better recommendations for a hand held.
Member III
Explorer I
I ran a similar setup for the longest time using a UV-5R before picking up my midland mxt275. Worked great. I keep it in the truck as a loaner/spotting radio.I own the V1, it’s a great little radio for the price. I bought it as my starter radio. I use my midland mxt275 in the 4Runner, and our midland gxt1000 handhelds more though. They are just easier to explain how they work to others (we use them at the lake for backing in camper/when leaving camp to hike/kayak)
where the V1 really shines for me is that it is repeater capable, if you can reach a repeater. As well as, you can add an external antenna. That’s how I had my setup before buying a mobile unit and mounting it
Member III
Traveler II
Member III
Do you have an add blocker, if so tell it to allow this site full access.
Traveler II
Member III
Traveler II