Influencer II
Are the K&N air filters worth the cash? I have never used them. I know some people swear by them but, do they really increase horsepower, throttle response or MPG?
Influencer II
Advocate II
Influencer II
Good point. I never thought about how th oil could affect that. I was curious because people swear by themI ran K&N in my motorcycle and SUV for a few years. I switched back to paper filters because I noticed a lot of oily grime on the wrong side of the intake. A K&N is supposed to flow better than a paper filter, but there are only two ways I know of to do that: a larger filter area or a more open filter that can move higher volumes in the same amount of time and space. Since a new drop-in filter isn't any larger that must mean it is more open. That means more grit makes it past the filter and into the engine - generally speaking, that's bad for engine life. I am getting the same MPG and performance by keeping a clean paper filter in the car as I was with the K&N, but I don't have oil and grit in my I take anymore.
Influencer II
Influencer II
Pathfinder II