All the popular roads down there can be busy but over the course of our trip I still always managed to have a great time driving the dragon twice in each direction as well as ALL of the surrounding roads. We drove +2500 miles in 5 days and I'd do it again tomorrow regardless of how popular the area has gotten. The only times I'd absolutely avoid is ZdayZ, Miata's, Minis, or any other 'club' on the Dragon.
Back when we first started going there were 'unwritten rules' for driving/riding on the dragon and essentially all of the surrounding roads. Then as the popularity increased they actually wrote the rules down. These rules save lives but people with no regard for their driving abilities and even less for those around them create their own dangerous situations. There are 2 images shared in this thread alone that put people in potentially unwise situations. Ride/drive smart, enjoy the roads, enjoy the views, etc.. etc...