Swisha Loop 2020

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Cambridge, ON, Canada
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Myself and the other members of REGAR Expeditions set out for a 6 day trip in mid July on the not so well travelled Swisha Loop in Southwest Quebec Canada. Not a lot of info is around on the route other than the map itself. We went out extra gas, chainsaws and full complement of recovery gear in tow. The loop is not Inherently difficult but a test in endurance and how much you love your paint, lol. We found spots on the trail very overgrown, even beaver trying to take back the trail with a dam, and were out of the trucks on a regular basis to clear the path. We also found areas of smooth sailing and could easily hit 80kmh. End result was we had to pull off the trail early due to a rig failure but plan to head back to complete the loop. Pictures and upcoming videos of the trip can be found at our website www.regarexpeditions.com and also our social media pages.


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Rank III

Enthusiast II

East Aurora, NY, USA
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Myself and the other members of REGAR Expeditions set out for a 6 day trip in mid July on the not so well travelled Swisha Loop in Southwest Quebec Canada. Not a lot of info is around on the route other than the map itself. We went out extra gas, chainsaws and full complement of recovery gear in tow. The loop is not Inherently difficult but a test in endurance and how much you love your paint, lol. We found spots on the trail very overgrown, even beaver trying to take back the trail with a dam, and were out of the trucks on a regular basis to clear the path. We also found areas of smooth sailing and could easily hit 80kmh. End result was we had to pull off the trail early due to a rig failure but plan to head back to complete the loop. Pictures and upcoming videos of the trip can be found at our website www.regarexpeditions.com and also our social media pages.
How much extra gas did you wind up needing? Our WNY Overland group is going out next month.