Enthusiast III
what is your method of staying warm in the colder months of the year while you are overlanding. sleeping bags, heavy blankets, furs, etc. Also if you don't mind show off what you use to stay warm.
Enthusiast III
Advocate I
Enthusiast III
Enthusiast III
Advocate I
Enthusiast III
Have you ever been an issue with running electrical devices and moisture not only corrosion but also safety?I will be 1st open a window, and a small electric fan it is all about air flow. I use a usb powered one and a cell phone pack, works well
Advocate I
Enthusiast III
Open the vents at the top of the tent. Warm, moist air will naturally vent though the open vents.What the best way they y'all deal with moisture or build up in your tent ,that y'all have found to be affective
This is why If it's going to be cold, I have a closed cell foam top to my Threarest. When I was mountaineering a 1/2' closed cell foam pad is all we used in the snow, scrape a hip and shoulder slot and your are good.Interestingly, when camping a lot of your heat is lost to the ground through conduction so the R value of your sleeping pad becomes really important.
Mattress R-value and EN sleeping bag ratings
Did you know that your EN rated sleeping bag requires a mattress with an "R-value" of 5 or greater in order to meet its stated temperature performance? Most people do not realize that the mattress used in the testing fixture for the EN test has an R value of 5. But MOST mattresses sold today...zenbivy.com
Enthusiast III
Advocate I