US Northwest South Sound Meetup: Tacoma, Oly, Lewis Co.

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OTH Overland

Local Expert Washington, USA

Trail Blazer III

Camano Island, WA, USA
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Service Branch
Hey Everyone!
I'm really looking forward to meeting people and developing a local group that's willing to get together.

This message is for everybody, even those not able to attend Sunday...
Does it work best to have a concrete meeting day (example: 2nd Sunday of every month) or is random ok?

I would love to share hosting duties. Anybody else willing to plan a get-together?

What do you want to do during get-togethers? Trail Runs? Rig Walk-a-rounds? set up camp in somebody's yard and cook breakfast? Make it a weekend camping trip? What else would be fun?

What would make these meet-ups the most valuable for you?
Aaron, There can be advantages either way, picking a dedicated time / day each month creates consistency and people will become accustomed to attending and you will likely develop a consistent group that attends. For example selecting the 2nd Saturday of each month will allow flexibility of having an all day training or day trip, or you can add in Sundays every so often for some overnight trips. The disadvantage is selecting a consistent day each month will eliminate those that have a scheduled conflict such as work or church, so having a varied schedule will attract a wider cross section of people, but may not have a consistent attendance. In the end you need to select what works best for you as the host, as there is no way to satisfy all peoples desires. Pick what works for you, and evaluate how its going after a few occurrences, and then make some adjustments. Great idea to have more than one person in the area to do hosting, will add some variety to your events. Great efforts on your part on this:)
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Rank IV

Member III

University Place, Washington, United States
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Hey Everyone!
I'm really looking forward to meeting people and developing a local group that's willing to get together.

This message is for everybody, even those not able to attend Sunday...
Does it work best to have a concrete meeting day (example: 2nd Sunday of every month) or is random ok?

I would love to share hosting duties. Anybody else willing to plan a get-together?

What do you want to do during get-togethers? Trail Runs? Rig Walk-a-rounds? set up camp in somebody's yard and cook breakfast? Make it a weekend camping trip? What else would be fun?

What would make these meet-ups the most valuable for you?
I'd like to do a little of everything. Primary interest is trail runs and camping trips. I moved up here from Arizona so I'm not used to having to plan around good weather days but I know those things aren't always possible.
Cookouts and hangouts are also great.

As for schedule I'm good with either. Having a set day helps with making future plans but also may limit the other activities I enjoy.

Happy to host once I become more familiar with the area here. I don't have the foggiest idea where to lead anyone just yet. :grinning:
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Rank VII

Off-Road Ranger I

Rochester, Washington, USA
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Hey Everyone!

Before this event happens and the forum gets archived, I wanted to create an ongoing conversation so we can keep in touch between now and the next meetup.

Please feel free to make requests for things to do. On-Trail education classes are another idea I came across that sound beneficial. I'm not much of an expert in anything, but ask away and I'll try to coordinate something!

Here's the ongoing forum post: SSOBMC (South Sound Overland Bound Meetup Club)


Rank VII

Off-Road Ranger I

Rochester, Washington, USA
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Hey Everyone!
I\'m really looking forward to meeting people and developing a local group that\'s willing to get together.

This message is for everybody, even those not able to attend Sunday...
Does it work best to have a concrete meeting day (example: 2nd Sunday of every month) or is random ok?

I would love to share hosting duties. Anybody else willing to plan a get-together?

What do you want to do during get-togethers? Trail Runs? Rig Walk-a-rounds? set up camp in somebody\'s yard and cook breakfast? Make it a weekend camping trip? What else would be fun?

What would make these meet-ups the most valuable for you?
I\'d like to do a little of everything. Primary interest is trail runs and camping trips. I moved up here from Arizona so I\'m not used to having to plan around good weather days but I know those things aren\'t always possible.
Cookouts and hangouts are also great.

As for schedule I\'m good with either. Having a set day helps with making future plans but also may limit the other activities I enjoy.

Happy to host once I become more familiar with the area here. I don\'t have the foggiest idea where to lead anyone just yet. :grinning:
LOL - Every day above ground is a good weather day! I love a good mountain drive in the rain. Not a huge fan of camping in the rain, but trail runs? Anytime.
From UP, Head east toward Enumclaw and Greenwater. Quite a few spots to play out there. Outstanding spots to play north of Roslyn too (east side of the Cascades) Most of the trips I lead are to places I've never been. I just spend some quality time with GaiaGPS and OnX maps, then trust myself to figure it out along the way.
Welcome to the Pacific Northwest! Lots of awesome people around here that'll be happy to show you around.
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Rank II
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Enthusiast I

Montesano, WA, USA
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Service Branch
US Army
All sound like great topics to discuss tomorrow. Maybe put some thoughts down on paper (I still like paper) and blast them out to the interested parties for comments.
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Rank VII

Off-Road Ranger I

Rochester, Washington, USA
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For all of you asking to be kept in the loop but unable to make it today, here are some future plans. Hope you can join us soon. We had some great conversation this morning, and I'm looking forward to seeing everybody again soon.

Upcoming Meetup Dates
April 23 ~ Breakfast & Bonfire - Location TBD depending on snow melt near Greenwater.
May 20-21 ~ ?? Basecamp + Trip Planning Seminar. Perhaps in the Whiskey Dick area near Vantage
June 10-11 ~ Possible WABDR-1
July 16 ~ This date could also be a trip launch. Perhaps the meetup is a send-off party?


Rank II

Enthusiast II

Elk Plain, WA, USA
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For all of you asking to be kept in the loop but unable to make it today, here are some future plans. Hope you can join us soon. We had some great conversation this morning, and I'm looking forward to seeing everybody again soon.

Upcoming Meetup Dates
April 23 ~ Breakfast & Bonfire - Location TBD depending on snow melt near Greenwater.
May 20-21 ~ ?? Basecamp + Trip Planning Seminar. Perhaps in the Whiskey Dick area near Vantage
June 10-11 ~ Possible WABDR-1
July 16 ~ This date could also be a trip launch. Perhaps the meetup is a send-off party?
We will be up camping off of 7030 or 7036 the 17th-23rd ! Let us know where you guys will be and if you have radios what channel. We have a CB also but no on uses those anymore lol


Rank VI
Founder 500

Pathfinder II

King County, Washington, United States
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Looking to get out for a day trip this Sunday the 11th. Anyone else available and interested? @Altaholic
Unfortunately, too much going on this weekend.

I've started trying to keep an eye on this thread so that hopefully I can tag along with some people headed out!