SnoMaster vs National Luna comparison

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Bought the national Luna and did a major trek from Yosemite to my hood via usal beach :). Priority was keeping my sons meds chilled (and consistent) given his condition/disease. Performance was awesome. No real complaint about it other than the costs. But given the risks we have if my son gets sick that's a small price to pay. We love it.

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Not sure what the OP did but I was in a similar situation myself and took a couple of months before finally pulling the trigger. I eventually went with the Snomaster 60L dual although it only gives 52L it is probably bigger than we really need. We typically travel for 10 to 30 day trips but are normally resupply every 2 to 3 days so could have probably got away with a smaller unit. It's well made and I liked the fact it included the cover and remote control, even in the desert with temps above 110F it has not let us down. Haven't measured the actual amp draw we rarely stay in the same spot for more than 2 days and we have 140amp (2 x 70) available and everything was running fine.


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Bought the national Luna and did a major trek from Yosemite to my hood via usal beach :). Priority was keeping my sons meds chilled (and consistent) given his condition/disease. Performance was awesome. No real complaint about it other than the costs. But given the risks we have if my son gets sick that's a small price to pay. We love it.

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I own 2 Snomaster fridges. The 56 liter dual zone with a freezer and fridge and the 42 liter single zone. They work well and have a great set of features including a remote for monitoring, led compartment lighting, floor drain, open lid alarm, auto/high/low compressor settings and solid hinges/latches. I have one on the tongue of my trailer and one that rides in the back of the truck. They have been on some very rough trails without a hiccup.

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Just picked up my Snomaster CL56D from Todd last night. He is a great guy. I think I'm going to love this thing. Tired of ice melt in my RTIC 65 for those week+ trips in the desert.

I can tell it will be a challenge to fit it in the rear of my '17 Jeep JKU. I'll build a slide but there will be very little wiggle room between rear seats and tailgate. Bought a Odyssey Extreme AGM battery (34R-PC1500T) that I'll use as a dedicated house battery for the fridge. May one day go to a Genesis Dual Battery setup with Odysseys . . . but for now, I'll keep the house battery off the alternator. Run fridge off AC and charge battery at night as necessary . . . use house battery and 105W solar during the day.

Enthusiast III

Costa Mesa
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Just picked up my Snomaster CL56D from Todd last night. He is a great guy. I think I'm going to love this thing. Tired of ice melt in my RTIC 65 for those week+ trips in the desert.

I can tell it will be a challenge to fit it in the rear of my '17 Jeep JKU. I'll build a slide but there will be very little wiggle room between rear seats and tailgate. Bought a Odyssey Extreme AGM battery (34R-PC1500T) that I'll use as a dedicated house battery for the fridge. May one day go to a Genesis Dual Battery setup with Odysseys . . . but for now, I'll keep the house battery off the alternator. Run fridge off AC and charge battery at night as necessary . . . use house battery and 105W solar during the day.
Post pictures of your install please


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I went with the National Luna Weekender 50L mostly due to the size I could get into my Tembo Tusk levitating drop slide. I really wanted a SnoMaster but the dimensions weren't going to work for me unless I went smaller. Still have to wire it and I have no real world experience to share but here's a photo. [emoji846]

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Rank IV

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Thought I would share a follow-up to my previous post. We had some trouble over Summer with our 3 year old National Luna Weekender.

The company helped us out, without argument despite the Warranty period just expiring. Read my full write-up on my blog here
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I want to why as the NL twins go up in size the fridge sides don't get much larger. It seems like they just increase the freezer side?

50 liter model has a 10/40 fridge/freezer
60 liter, 25/35
90 liter, 40/50
110 liter, 56/54

I wish they made something larger that keep the 20% freezer and 80% fridge ratio.
This is a very frustrating problem with their refrigerators. It makes no sense to me at all.


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Pulling the trigger this week on a Snomaster or Nat'l Luna 40L-50L fridge. Have a JK with intention to build out a base plate w/ Eezi fridge slide w/ fabricated drawers along side or removing the sub and doing a complete Goose Gear blowout Showbarkeeper Service. Any recs/input/advice on the snomaster vs. Nat'l Luna? Price is one thing but anything else? we're novices but this will hold both food for family of 3 for a month or so and meds for our lil guy. So its an important piece of gear for our family. thx!
Both Snomaster and National Luna fridges are great options, with Snomaster being more affordable and National Luna offering robust performance and reliability, especially in off-grid scenarios. If you prioritize efficiency and durability, National Luna may be the better choice, though it comes at a higher price. For a family of 3 needing to store food and meds for an extended period, look at the fridge's insulation and power consumption, as both will significantly impact long-term performance. Ensure you have proper ventilation and easy access to your setup, whether you go with an Eezi fridge slide or Goose Gear.


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FWIW to those still looking, I've been running a SM for ~7 years now, and it's been on 24/7 for about 5 of those (in the house when not in the rig). Aside from the temp reading being 3 or 4 degrees off (an issue I'm told they've since addressed), no issues whatsoever. You'll want to wipe down the gaskets now and then if you run it all the time, to prevent mold from getting a grip.