Silver Lake Michigan

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I'm thinking about planning a day trip to Silver Lake sand dunes in Michigan. Anyone interested? I'm thinking Saturday sept 1st.


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Whats up man,

I noticed you didn't get any response. I'd be interested in heading up there the first week of November if you're down. Recently moved to Indiana and have been wanting to treck up to Michigan


Rank V
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Enthusiast III

Norton Shores, MI
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I'm thinking about planning a day trip to Silver Lake sand dunes in Michigan. Anyone interested? I'm thinking Saturday sept 1st.
@Rred - try posting up in the officially unofficial Michigan Overlanders, you'll probably get better response there.

@Recon32 - the ORV area at Silver Lake State Park closes October 31st, so you'll have to move your plans up if you want to make it onto the dunes this season.

Silver Lake is local to me, so if either of you guys have any questions hit me up; if you do make it up here let me know, I may be able to join you if I can get my FJ back on the road in time.


Rank I
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Traveler I

So theres a growing group meeting at silver lake next Saturday the 22nd 0800 local time. I'm definitely going. On fb the group is weekend overlanding and the event is sept 22. Probably gonna be a good number going too. I'm thinking about making a nice camping trip out of it.