Traveler III
Traveler III
Enthusiast III
Enthusiast III
Pathfinder I
Pathfinder I
Off-Road Ranger I
very cool rig!A couple years old but was a good trip.
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And if I can’t get out, sometimes I’ll just make due in the back yard.
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Off-Road Ranger I
Enthusiast II
Enthusiast II
Enthusiast II
I am in the process of trying to build a trailer similar to yours! I'm trying to find a serviceable trailer to build on and mount my RTT to. I love your setup!!! any pointers on where to find them? Ive been looking on the government auction sites without much luck... well with out much luck of finding any within a 6 hour drive lol.After a BIG trip from The NT to Tasmania, we decided that having a RTT on the vehicle was more of a pain than we needed.
So I bought an old Army trailer (No 5). And set about modifying it.
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Enthusiast II
I love your setup! many of us, myself included, are kind of .... lets go with... GEAR-CENTRIC... you got a rugged truck and the basics and roll with that! i stress myself out sometimes over-complicating things and trying to plan for every possibility i bet you have good stress free trips. good for you ! and i like your truck !Here's some of this year's camping from recent to the snow in FebruaryView attachment 115711View attachment 115712View attachment 115714View attachment 115715View attachment 115717View attachment 115718View attachment 115719
Still time left in the year for more camping.
Member III
Enthusiast III
Advocate III