It will be available on both. Everything is cross platform for the most part. This feature will be available once offline maps are available, or so I’ve heard. Again, most of these questions are answered on the Overland Bound YouTube Channel live streams.
OB1 Is Live
Our App- What’s Coming with Steve CTO Lead Programmer
Live Q&A Overland App New Features and Road Map
There are several reasons I know so much about the app. First, when
@Michael had a link on the homepage to sign up to become an Alpha Tester, it pretty much laid out the road map for the baseline of what the app was supposed to be in its finished product. Secondly I was on the Alpha Test and Beta Test teams. Thirdly Directors are given information to put out to you the audience.
The last statement is probably the most important, because I might say something that I can’t back up my source because I got the information directly from
@Michael and
@Corrie during one of our conference calls, emails to the Directors, or through our Director Chat system.
If you haven’t taken the time to head over to Overland Bound on YouTube, I highly suggest you do. While there, like and subscribe, ring the bell and set the notifications for when OB will be live streaming. Almost every Live Stream talks about the app even for just a few seconds. It’s also a great way to interact with @Micahl and
@Corrie directly.