Contributor II
Wondering what other members do to deter rodents from visiting their rig.
Contributor II
Contributor III
At work we use peppermint essential oils mixed 50/50 with water in a spray bottle. I’m the foreman of mechanic shop. We have a rather large fleet that we maintain and some of them don’t get used very often. So we use this in the engine bay. Also, dryer sheets help too. Put those in glove compartments, consoles, and zip tie a couple to the battery terminals. Days/mice love copper wire. Spray the mixture heavily on a cool and dry engine. Get as many nooks and crannies as you can.Wondering what other members do to deter rodents from visiting their rig.
Contributor II
ThanksAt work we use peppermint essential oils mixed 50/50 with water in a spray bottle. I’m the foreman of mechanic shop. We have a rather large fleet that we maintain and some of them don’t get used very often. So we use this in the engine bay. Also, dryer sheets help too. Put those in glove compartments, consoles, and zip tie a couple to the battery terminals. Days/mice love copper wire. Spray the mixture heavily on a cool and dry engine. Get as many nooks and crannies as you can.
Advocate I
Influencer II
Advocate II
Contributor II
Awesome, most would run, he/she looks happy to stay.We always take our cat...rodents never a problem. Ants and snakes on the other hand are a real pain.
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Advocate I
Off-Road Ranger I
Member III