Enthusiast II
So, our rig is a 2 door Jeep Wrangler and space comes at a premium. While I've used the REI Flexlite Chairs in the past, I didn't want to drop $160 ($80/chair) on a couple camp chairs. My wife and I were shopping in Sam's Club and came upon these. https://www.samsclub.com/sams/light-weight-chair/prod20602415.ip?xid=plp:product:1:3 . They are their "lightweight camp chair." At only $25/chair I figured why not. I couldn't find any reviews online and can only assume they are a new product for them. So far we've only tested them a little, but they're holding up very well. At this price point it is hard to argue with the value. The only problem is that they only come in blue...