RCI offroad

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On a more serious note, if you’re unable to resolve the situation with RCI on your own, you could file a complaint with several organizations:
Better Business Bureau
Consumer Financial Protection Bureau
Or this!

billum v2.0

Rank V
Launch Member

Enthusiast III

Flyover Country
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Understand your frustration, particularly the follow-up (or lack thereof) to status/questions. If past experience with RCI & Tim applies, they/he'll make it right. Let us know either way.

You've expressed your disappointment/frustration to us/them. Reset the clock, you're in a different phase now. Clearly lay out your expectations in writing to Tim, work through any differences and follow-up with an email (that he acknowledges) on the mutually agreed solution with delivery dates/price concessions (if any)/resolution of wrong slider/etc. Keep track of when your ability to contest the charge with your CC company expires. If no resolution near that date, discuss a refund of current order and new charge to restart the clock with your CC (had to do this on a bumper purchase through another vendor).

Like @ZombieCat, my Gobi rack purchase was a lesson in the lack of customer service/support of such epic proportions that threads exist on the subject in multiple forums worldwide. Fabrication date is merely a suggestion. Radio silence until shipping notice is their business model. And then it shows up and upon close inspection, all the non-castrated bovine excrement is forgotten. Mostly.

Quality of my RCI stuff is the same. Hope yours ends up that way.

Enthusiast III

Newman Lake, Spokane County, Washington, United States
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Follow up.. I received the slider today. One week later. I also have it on. A couple of the holes did not line up for mounting. In the end. Am I happy. The product is good. I do like the look and build quality. After paying them the money and waiting so long for a product. I don’t feel the customer service was top quality. I would suggest if you think about ordering from them. Call them before you do and explain your expectations. If the conversation doesn’t feel good to you, think about who will get your hard earned money..