Rambox or No Rambox

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Ok so I am going to begin looking for a full size ram to act as my overlandrig. One of the features I can not decide on is whether or not I want a Rambox.

the whole idea of it super interesting with the ease of access to all the recovery gear (I don’t think maxtrax fit), first aid gear, fire extinguisher, etc on one side. Camping gear on the other side.

So I ask, who has them or has had them; do you like them?
Are they as functional as they look?
Would you do it again?
What do you fit in them?


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I recently bought a Ram and did not get the RamBox on purpose. The biggest draw back is the reduction in bed space, though that may not be a factor for you. I didn't think the storage you gained from the RamBox was worth the penalty in bed space. If you plan to put a rack on your bed you may want to consider impacts a RamBox may have on your options.

I'm going to be adding a bed cover soon and that will allow me to secure any gear I need to inside the bed if I don't want to, or don't have room, to put it in the cab.


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Same as AtlasBount, I intentionally did not get them as I knew I'd either be putting on a shell or rack, and that I can fill up a truck bed with ease when taking the family out for the weekend. But... every time I see them on another truck I can't help but think they're pretty cool. I think I'm going to go in the direction of one or a pair of those swing-out toolboxes that fit in the area between the tailgate and the wheel-well.

Murphy Slaw

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I wish I would have gotten the Ram Boxes. Those beds will still haul a 4' plywood, and you also get the bed extender.

If I'd gotten the Ram boxes, my back seat wouldn't have so much crap....


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@Autism Family Travels i have seen that as the only real limitation in flexibility.

@Murphy Slaw thats how I would look at them, free up a lot of back seat, under seat stuff.

I did notice that Nuthouse Industries makes a killer bed rack for the Ramboxs. The one i saw online; seems like if you had a rack, spare tire, rolling cover on it, RTT, and awning on it; you may be able to remove the whole thing as 1 piece with hoist.

I see the Ramboxes as a good opportunity to run Air tank, dual air compressors, DC to DC charger and battery in one box. Recovery and first in another.

Maxtraxx would be awesome inside but I doubt it.


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I wrestled with this same question a couple years ago when the rambox options first came out.... at the time I gave it a shot and honestly.....its hit or miss depending on what you plan on doing. The biggest negative factor that I remember was, yes, they do limit some available space in the bed. It is nice to be able to stick things on and behind (between the wheel well and the cab) and know they'll probably be there when you drive around. Tie down points are limited too. The plus side was that it was nice storage and was lockable. At the time, not many aftermarket accessories worked with them... now, they have dedicated tonneau covers and bed slides and racks and etc available for them. I think the best way to look at them would be, how often are you going to use them versus how often are you going to wish you had the open space.....depending on your answer...that should tell you whether to get them as an option or not.
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Rank 0

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I love them. My friends and family tease me about being a rolling hardware store... but the teasing stops when we need gear quickly on the road or trail. Other folks have to pull people and crap out of back seats or unload half their truck bed or SUV cargo space to get what they need... but if it’s recovery gear, tools, fluids, lights, air up time, etc I have my hands on what I need in 15 seconds or less.


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I opted to not get ram boxes when I bought my 2500 last year. They limit caps, bed covers and racks.

if a RTT wasn't in my consideration, I would have totally bought the ramboxes. lockable, weather resistant storage is at a premium in a truck.


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Initially I thought I'd like the Ramboxes, but realized I couldn't use a tonneau cover or topper. With a set of Decked drawers, I don't lose that much bed-space and I still keep everything dry with a topper. The Ramboxes ultimately would have limited me too much. My storage solutions have changed so much until I figured out what was going to work.