Just my opinion, but the Excursion is a fantastic platform for overland camping. If you don't have to have the 7.3 litre diesel, they are easy to find for reasonable cost used (bought mine with 140K for $8500). Built on the very stout F250 chasis, all of those F250 upgrades apply to the excursion. The Ex has tons of room and spare parts abound so you can beat the snot outta of them and fix it fairly cheap. I get 12.5 to 13 mpg in the ol girl and she has a big fuel tank, 44 gallons. You won't find me on the Rubicon trail, but i have been on every leg of the OBDR and WABDR with ease and that is the type of offroading I enjoy. I strive for a camping trip once a month, regardless of weather, and the Excursion has always kept us dry, comfortable and mobile.
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