Photography project collaboration.

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Contributor III

Bellingham, WA, USA
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Hello Overland friends, Im new to the group. I just joined, because I am looking for someone or a couple somones who might be interested in working on a personal project with me.
Im a commercial photographer who works in the outdoor lifestyle and adventure industry.
Im looking for someone who owns a late model vehicle that would love to have their vehicle photographed in various situations. I would be looking for people with 2021/22 or newer vehicles like Tundras, Tacomas etc. Modified vehicles are prefered.
In return, I'll give you access to images I have shot so you'll have some fantastic photos of your rig.
Here's my portfolio so you know I'm not messing around with just making simple snaps. Aaron Ingrao Commercial & Editorial Photographer.
If you want to reach out to me by email, that would be great.
Im located in Bellingham.
Thanks in advance!
NFL SB LVII Promo.jpg