Peters Mill Fun Run

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Crossville, Cumberland County, Tennessee, United States
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One other thing, if you would be so kind, can you DM me your experience level (beginner, intermediate, advanced) because I\'ll come up with a rough list of the order we\'ll wheel in. Obviously we want experienced people in front and in the tailgunner slot, and I\'d like to divide up relatively less experienced/equipped drivers to space them out. In a perfect world, there won\'t be any two vehicles in a row lacking comms or recovery gear. Thanks.

Of course, I ain\'t your boss, and my suggestions are open to change! I just like to get conversations and ideas started.
Have taken off-road 101 at both Chaos and Rausch, and have visited each a second time for add’l off-road experience.
Did Canaan Loop and another trail near Davis, WV recently.
Stock Rubicon Recon with winch, add’l lighting, fridge, cb, gmrs. Would consider myself beginner-novice. So much to learn...


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Oakdale, CT
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I have a CB, GMRS walkies and can monitor on ham, but no license yet. Skill is somewhere between beginner and intermediate. I also have some recovery gear, including traction boards, and a battery-powered compressor.
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Rank V
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Enthusiast III

Crossville, Cumberland County, Tennessee, United States
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Yep, it’s all relevant because I’m trying to space out gear and experience between that case,I also have a pair of MaxTrax
Yep, it’s all relevant because I’m trying to space out gear and experience between the two waves and along the lines. Thanks.

In that case, I also have a pair of Maxtrax, recovery strap, and TreeSaver.
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Rank V
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Off-Road Ranger I

Hunt Valley, Cockeysville, MD, USA
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Ham/GMRS Callsign
OK, just counting down days on the calendar now. It's time to start doing the last minute stuff. (I'll be posting this in both threads.)

I would like to divide the groups up, so please tell me your preference. If you have a pressing reason to be in the first wave or the second, let me know. If you are interested in being with a group of friends, let me know that as well (as well as the friends' handles), so I can assign you together. Otherwise, I'm going to be attempting to even out the experience and gear between the two.

Thanks for your help in getting this info together.


Rank III
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Quicksburg, Virginia, USA
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OK, just counting down days on the calendar now. It's time to start doing the last minute stuff. (I'll be posting this in both threads.)

I would like to divide the groups up, so please tell me your preference. If you have a pressing reason to be in the first wave or the second, let me know. If you are interested in being with a group of friends, let me know that as well (as well as the friends' handles), so I can assign you together. Otherwise, I'm going to be attempting to even out the experience and gear between the two.

Thanks for your help in getting this info together.
Same!! Two more weekend's :)


Rank V
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Pathfinder I

Springfield, VA
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OK, just counting down days on the calendar now. It's time to start doing the last minute stuff. (I'll be posting this in both threads.)

I would like to divide the groups up, so please tell me your preference. If you have a pressing reason to be in the first wave or the second, let me know. If you are interested in being with a group of friends, let me know that as well (as well as the friends' handles), so I can assign you together. Otherwise, I'm going to be attempting to even out the experience and gear between the two.

Thanks for your help in getting this info together.
I prefer the earlier group as I am not camping, I'd like to have more time ahead in the day to head home and clean up the truck! I'm also very much a morning person, so earlier the better.
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Rank V
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Off-Road Ranger I

Hunt Valley, Cockeysville, MD, USA
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Ham/GMRS Callsign
OK, just counting down days on the calendar now. It\'s time to start doing the last minute stuff. (I\'ll be posting this in both threads.)

I would like to divide the groups up, so please tell me your preference. If you have a pressing reason to be in the first wave or the second, let me know. If you are interested in being with a group of friends, let me know that as well (as well as the friends\' handles), so I can assign you together. Otherwise, I\'m going to be attempting to even out the experience and gear between the two.

Thanks for your help in getting this info together.
I prefer the earlier group as I am not camping, I\'d like to have more time ahead in the day to head home and clean up the truck! I\'m also very much a morning person, so earlier the better.
The good news is that for those with variable departure times, there are going to be a number of opportunities to jump off the carousel. After our first run up the trail, we're going to wait for the second group to pop out and then run back down it. Those are two chances to time your departure right there. It is then my intention to lead whomever is still up for it, to go over to Tasker and do that. Bottom line is you will definitely be able to take off when you like.

Again, glad you're going.


Rank VI
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Covington, Virginia, USA
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I don't have a preference in groups. I will have my three kids (5, 7, 9) so if anyone else has kids in tow it would be nice to be in the same group.
I may have a couple of mine. Probably the 12 and 9 y/o. They'll probably have some GMRS radios with them to chat on so if you have some for your kids, I'm sure they'd get a kick out of that. I'll keep you posted on if they come or not.
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Rank V
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Pathfinder I

Richmond, VA.
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Throwing this out there....

Might want to call the store to see how many passes they have on hand.

I’d hate for you all to get there, then drive all over the place to find them and kill half the day. You can get them by mail also.

Just saying


Rank III
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Quicksburg, Virginia, USA
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Lol very true!

Our crew of 6 rigs got our annual passes already so we're good.

Not all of my crew has been able to RSVP for the event, been having technical difficulties with their account. Trying to get that sorted out. They'd be RSVPing for wave 2.


Rank V
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Pathfinder I

Richmond, VA.
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Lol very true!

Our crew of 6 rigs got our annual passes already so we're good.

Not all of my crew has been able to RSVP for the event, been having technical difficulties with their account. Trying to get that sorted out. They'd be RSVPing for wave 2.
Rite rite..

I’m not even going to this event. Just putting it out there (trying to help out).

I have been up there before and had to search stores cause they were out of passes, and I was by myself. Haha
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Rank V
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Enthusiast III

Crossville, Cumberland County, Tennessee, United States
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Lol very true!

Our crew of 6 rigs got our annual passes already so we're good.

Not all of my crew has been able to RSVP for the event, been having technical difficulties with their account. Trying to get that sorted out. They'd be RSVPing for wave 2.
OK... Not interested in making the trip only to search for and possibly not find a day pass. Can a day pass be purchased in advance? How can I get an annual pass? Can it be done remotely? As you can tell, this is all new to me.

Sparky V

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Harrisonburg, Va
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I called the forest service office last week and you can mail in a form to get a single use, 3 day or annual pass mailed to you. They said they process it within 24hrs of getting the form so there is probably still time to get the pass in the mail. Of course that depends on USPS being quick on their end...