Overland "Types?"

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I don't think this requires a new thread? It's Saturday night, am bored, sat home with nothing to do and my colitis (I'll let Google answer more questions for ya'll) is really flared up badly.... meaning I'm enjoying lovely cramping and much more internally <sob>

Anyway, checking out some first drive videos of the new Gen6 4Runner Trailhunter and TRD Pro and stumbled across this:

it kinda shows a *stereotypical* depiction of "Overlanding Types".

I agree with the points being made in the video though at first I thought it was just being antagonistic before I got to about half way where things started making sense and in fact it wasn't an attack on "Overlanding" at all....

Case in Point - Get what you need and don't go nuts!! Kinda like the JDM genre, many people splash money at things to "look cool" rather then actually need them.... I think even TFLoffroad mentions this in their "Switzerland Trail" video from Colorado: most "soft roaders" like Toyota Rav4's can handle plenty without doing anything crazy to them. Even cross-overs can and I think Subaru was mentioned.

Even I was able to go "Overlanding" mildly in a 4-door sedan with stiffened and slightly lowered sports suspension..... I like the "Pogo Stick" analogy from TFL as that's kinda how it felt going over a rocky track straddling the center as I don't have the ground clearance but any old dedicated 4x4 was more then enough up there....
'Overlanding Industrial Complex.' :tearsofjoy:
I just keep wondering how he got that chair out there without a roof rack...
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Rank V
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Off-Road Ranger I

Wherever we park it will be home !!
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Those vids are hilarious! Goes a long way splaining why we never see anyone anywhere ever. There is a local guy runs around in his new LR all decked out with stuff hangin all over it. Bumped into him one time and he sounded like the guys in the vid telling me all about his trip to a local St Forest, funny as s—t

The Deputy

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"I think we should just camp here"
Actually, this is what l enjoy about 'overlanding'. Stopping when l've done enough driving or staying as long as l like, if a spot/area suits me...no agenda. Drove my wife crazy, while l was traveling solo to Alaska. She wanted to know where l was going to be each day, trip charted out weeks in advance. Reality was...she got a call or text at the end of the day. Overlanding is just that...overlanding. Traveling over land...how you do it doesn't matter or what your reasons.


Rank V
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Off-Road Ranger I

Wherever we park it will be home !!
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WRPN 506
Actually, this is what l enjoy about 'overlanding'. Stopping when l've done enough driving or staying as long as l like, if a spot/area suits me...no agenda. Drove my wife crazy, while l was traveling solo to Alaska. She wanted to know where l was going to be each day, trip charted out weeks in advance. Reality was...she got a call or text at the end of the day. Overlanding is just that...overlanding. Traveling over land...how you do it doesn't matter or what your reasons.
That’s how we roll.


Rank V
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you can pretty much look at a person's vehicle and tell a lot about them since vehicles are basically an extension of their owners...

think about it...a loud exhaust vehicle is usually owned by a loud exhaust person that demand attention. a fancy pickup with a spray in bed liner that is kept immaculate is usually owned by a guy who doesnt do any physical labor and wont get dirty himself. people with lifted vehicles with tons of unused accessories bolted to them are going to be people that want to be capable of doing things, but lack the motivation/confidence to actually do them. dont even get me started on PT cruisers and EV owners...

so next time you are out traveling, find a person and watch them for a few minutes and then see what they drive. i judge people all the time and so far i have found that judging people on what they drive has been a very accurate and quick way to categorize people...


Rank IV

Pioneer II

London, UK
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you can pretty much look at a person's vehicle and tell a lot about them since vehicles are basically an extension of their owners...

think about it...a loud exhaust vehicle is usually owned by a loud exhaust person that demand attention. a fancy pickup with a spray in bed liner that is kept immaculate is usually owned by a guy who doesnt do any physical labor and wont get dirty himself. people with lifted vehicles with tons of unused accessories bolted to them are going to be people that capable of doing things, but lack the motivation/confidence to actually do them. dont even get me started on PT cruisers and EV owners...

so next time you are out traveling, find a person and watch them for a few minutes and then see what they drive. i judge people all the time and so far i have found that judging people on what they drive has been a very accurate and quick way to categorize people...
I like the thought behind it... but careful on being too judgemental ;-)

Sometimes circumstance and other hidden things can play a big effect too on people

Though I would agree that yes pretty much a lot of what people drive reflects their personality

Some would even break this down by brand eg. X brand over Y brand... say Ford vs, Jeep, vs Audi, vs BMW and so on....

But ultimately irrespective of what you *think* a person is like, it's better to be able to see if you can get on with them and they may just surprise you
It seems to happen a lot before marriage haha


Rank IV

Pioneer II

London, UK
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they may just surprise you
It seems to happen a lot before marriage haha
when i met my ex-wife, she was driving a chevy ta-HOE

i was warned...:expressionless:

The Tahoe is a nice SUV... from a few years back anyway. It was big and chunky and had more internal spec then you could find in most UK spec luxury models

I loved the Colorado Avalanche too (was that what it was called?)

When deciding on the "right" vehicle it rrally becomes difficult especially with the internet today...

I desperately need to replace my car with something that has high ground clearance and can handle irltself off-road
I just dislike everything sold locally as there's no big 4x4 market here...
Toyota 4Runner Trailhunter i fell in-love with but whatever i look at needs to be imported...
That probably is telling me i need to jump ship and move to another (more suitable) country

That's another thing and dont get me started... lol
When i approach support services to try to get help with my ASD and ADHD the first thing i tell them is "Overlanding" and Idaho and Alaska
Being heavily nationalistic they just really frown at me then push me away....

When people suck they sadly really suck... :-( :-(


Rank II

Enthusiast III

Fairfax County, VA, USA
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Not that I'm any kind of extreme overlander (usually just out for a few days), but the group I usually go with consists of (varying numbers of): 2-3 guys who are white-collar, from the burbs, make pretty good money.Then we have a guy who is a welder in some rural area of WV, a guy who is a state (car) inspector who lives on a farm, a couple who basically brew beer all the time, one lady who sells horse farms (realtor). One black guy, and a Syrian (I think ) guy. Some married, some single, varying religions. Ages range from 20s to 50s. Some of us are "libs" and others are MAGAs (politics/religion are rarely brought up at camp). We are from 3-4 states. Our rigs range from $$-built Tacomas to old Sequoias to old Mitsubishis and XJs. Some sleep in $$ RTTs, others on the ground under a lean-to shelter or small tent.

I'm on social media with many of them, and a few who I find their positions on certain issues to be (frankly) very distasteful. Generally it's not an issue in-person and like most of the world, people don't act in person like they act online (nor would the group tolerate it). Not to say everyone in the group is a "friend" per se, but we all get along and have a good time in general.

So basically, all kinds of backgrounds, employments, political persuasions, ethnic/geographical backgrounds. And it all works out fine. Never seen any serious arguments or drama that I can recall.


Rank V
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Big Bear, CA, USA
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Been camping all my life, offroading a little over a decade.
My rig is offroad first, camping 2nd.

No camping stuff that compromises it's capability (like a RTT). Maybe my roofrack adds a little top weight, but not enough to notice.

Dunno why, I want to avoid the overland look on my daily driven vehicle. There's a lot of rigs here that emphasize a bit too much on the overlander appearance and it kind of embarrasses me.

When I actually do go out, I do load my jeep with necessary camp gear. Boxes on roof, fuel and traction board on rear side window, spare tire trashbag filled with wood.


Rank VI
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Influencer I

Miami, FL, USA
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Trying to get a Big-Picture handle beyond my own experience... What would you say are the basic personality "types" encountered on the trail, and what do you see as the traits of these types? First-timer to old hand, common backgrounds or jobs or reasons for being out there (are they running to or from something?), arrogant to humble, overequipped to broke, reliable vehicle to deathtrap jalopy, knowledgeable to needs-a-babysitter, male/female, loner or couple, straight or not, in shape or not, complainer to explainer, rural or city, how they treat the land and others, likely to stick with it or not, and whatever other qualities you can think of. From common types to occasionally-but-reliably encountered. And of course what they drive, and how often they're seen in the wild. I take it as a given that pretty much everybody has a gun and a dog (though I'm not sure what percentage bring the dog along).

Douchebags and Douchebags that drive Toyotas.


Rank VII

Trail Blazer III

Canyon County, Idaho, United States
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Trying to get a Big-Picture handle beyond my own experience... What would you say are the basic personality "types" encountered on the trail, and what do you see as the traits of these types? First-timer to old hand, common backgrounds or jobs or reasons for being out there (are they running to or from something?), arrogant to humble, overequipped to broke, reliable vehicle to deathtrap jalopy, knowledgeable to needs-a-babysitter, male/female, loner or couple, straight or not, in shape or not, complainer to explainer, rural or city, how they treat the land and others, likely to stick with it or not, and whatever other qualities you can think of. From common types to occasionally-but-reliably encountered. And of course what they drive, and how often they're seen in the wild. I take it as a given that pretty much everybody has a gun and a dog (though I'm not sure what percentage bring the dog along).

Douchebags and Douchebags that drive Toyotas.
there is really no need for this.