Rotties sure hold a special place in my heart. We do not have one, but out little deaf BC Husky mix is named after her very special cousin Molly. She was my Aunt and Uncles Rottie (one of 4 or 5 in their home at any given time) and was the Rottweiler Welfare Association UK's Mascot of the year a number of years ago, and took her job of enlightening people to the plight of the abused Rottie all across the UK very seriously. She was totally blind and had a deformed head, likely from being abused prior to her rescue by my Aunt and Uncle. Her heart was as big as the sun, and you'd never known she had a single disability at all, by the way she carried herself. She flew the RWA flag at many UK events, at Crufts, and during her time here, she even met royalty.
She went over the Rainbow Bridge a few years ago now, and in her honor we decided to give our sweet little dog Molly the same name.
Anyways, I just thought I'd share the story of a very special dog.

She went over the Rainbow Bridge a few years ago now, and in her honor we decided to give our sweet little dog Molly the same name.
Anyways, I just thought I'd share the story of a very special dog.