Influencer II
Okay everyone, we will be meeting at the Shasta / Trinity National Forest Head Quarters at 3644 Avetech Parkway, Redding Ca @ 10:00 am to pick up our Christmas Tree permits. They can be contacted at 530 - 226-2500 if you have any questions. We will then be traveling onto the mountain city of Weaver where we will traveling on some National Forest fire roads in search of the perfect tree. Depending on weather and snow conditions, the fire roads should be easy. For those interested in making it a longer week end, Cindy and I will be staying at the Red Hill Motel in Weaverville ( https://www.facebook.com/redhillmotel/?rf=883282135112385 ) Its a very affordable cabin type motel right in the middle of town. Look forward to seeing you there.

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