Pathfinder II
Welcome![emoji1366]New Okie just joined up today looking forward to meeting up for some trail rides and camping trips.
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Pathfinder II
Welcome![emoji1366]New Okie just joined up today looking forward to meeting up for some trail rides and camping trips.
Off-Road Ranger I
Off-Road Ranger I
Off-Road Ranger I
Pathfinder II
K trail is on my list! There's just never enough time in the weekend.cool to see so many folk here in oklahoma that are overland bound members awesome! Myself i go down to se okla and eastern okla never been to disney yet someday i'll make my way up there . need to go down to the k-trail again soon haven't been there in two years , been playing around the ouachita national forest more as of late , like the camping out there and riding the trails on the mountian bike .
Enthusiast III
Off-Road Ranger I
A Comanche? Sweet ride.. I used to wheel with a guy in Turkey that had one and they were so cool - mainly because it is so rare to see one on the road much less the trails.cool to see so many folk here in oklahoma that are overland bound members awesome! Myself i go down to se okla and eastern okla never been to disney yet someday i'll make my way up there . need to go down to the k-trail again soon haven't been there in two years , been playing around the ouachita national forest more as of late , like the camping out there and riding the trails on the mountian bike .
Contributor III
Contributor III
Is there any trails within an hour or two of the OKC area? Looking for a place to go..
You could try the K-trail. That's the only one I can think of!
Traveler III
Original post discussing some of the private land use issues.The K trail is private lands so it would be trespassing to drive it. I doubt you'd get into trouble but I found out a few months ago AFTER I'd already driven it. I know Clayton to Three Sticks is for sure. Im not sure about Three Sticks to Mena, AR. I'd be willing to drive it anyway if someone created a group trip.
"He who has a why to live can bear almost any how."
I read this a few days ago posted on some random jeep site that popped up in my news feed on face book. And I say, take it with a grain of salt, as with everything on the internet.
Oklahoma has weird laws on whether or not you need private property no trespass signs, and it depends on land use. Oklahoma DOES require signs; unless it is agricultural land, none of which the Ktrail runs through ( farming, ranching, or forestry purposes) what the k-trail runs through, from what I gather and understand, it is hunting land.... OK HB2984 (passed in 2006) states that for the agriculutural land, no sign is needed. However OK Staute 21-1835 (passed in 2014) specifically states "Property that is fenced or not fenced must have such signs placed conspicuously and at all places where entry to the property is normally expected."
I've seen other places cite the following, but did not reference any specific law. "OKLAHOMA: Signs are required at all entrances and all corners and at 200 yard intervals along property lines.
There's a lot of mystery around that portion of the K-trail as people have always been going back and forth saying you can, you can't run it, you need a permit, etc etc.
If I ever run the K-trail (would be from east to west, so I'll just turn around and go back when needed), I'll just call and find out for myself.
This literally only applies to like 10% of the entire trail anyways...
"it's on the internet... it must be true."
Traveler III
This makes it clear as mud. from what I remember there are a lot of private property signs from Clayton to the fire tower. I would think that 1) I would stay on the road and 2) I would err on the side of caution. That said, I would drive it again if anyone were interested in going. I have not had a chance to do the route from Three Sticks to Mena yet so I am still looking for the opportunity.Original post discussing some of the private land use issues.
This is a half truth. from the fire watch tower EAST is fair game. from the fire watch tower WEST is private lands. It's the west start point county (Pushmataha County) game warden that seems to be having a "fuss" about it from what I gathered reading the different things.
There are currently conflicting OK laws that say you have to have a "private property sign" at every entrance to your land and every so many feet, then there is another law that contradicts it and says you don't. Here is some research I did on it when someone posted about it before.
Lol the K-trail has always been clear as mud. I know 100% the watch tower east is fine because it's the Ouachita NF. Which is why I would run east to west, then just stop and turn around if I saw a private property sign.This makes it clear as mud. from what I remember there are a lot of private property signs from Clayton to the fire tower. I would think that 1) I would stay on the road and 2) I would err on the side of caution. That said, I would drive it again if anyone were interested in going. I have not had a chance to do the route from Three Sticks to Mena yet so I am still looking for the opportunity.
Traveler III
Off-Road Ranger I