Off-Road Ranger I
Off-Road Ranger I
Advocate II
Off-Road Ranger I
Advocate II
WOW Im feeling that! Only problem is he says to call or text with questions, but failed to put his phone number on the post. Email sent!https://tulsa.craigslist.org/tro/d/small-box-utility-trailer/6638715381.html
Someone needs to buy this.
Advocate II
Off-Road Ranger I
Influencer I
Thanks, the bumper is 4” square tubing the I fabbed up some 1/4” plate the bolt to the factory locations and then did the cut and fold on the rear quarters due to rust and welded in some 2x4 sliders. And as for the rack I kind of went with a front runner low profile design for future roof top tent. 1”x1” square tubing. I wanted versatility for mounting locations so I welded e track along the sides for versatility. Not sure of the overall dimensions of the repack I kinda eye balled it and it just worked out. About 60ft of tubing.Just saw some cool photos of @OkieOverlander rig over on the photo game thread. Put up some details on your rack and bumper, they look really well made for DIY.
Off-Road Ranger I
Influencer I
Thanks. I’m about to start on the rear tire carrier and front winch bumper and new tires with wheels I got for free.Nice build @OkieOverlander
Off-Road Ranger I
Advocate II
Influencer I
Influencer I
Off-Road Ranger I
Eufala....thunderbird...So on that topic where or what would y'all like to do? Meet & Greet/Cookout?
Influencer I
Thunderbird would work well for me, unless we wanted to do a wheeling day down at Cross Bar.Eufala....thunderbird...
Clayton? Sucks we can’t run the trail...
3 sticks >>>>east?
Enthusiast II
Agreed. That place is huge.Crossbar looks like it might be fun.