Advocate II
Another Subaru owner!! Woohoo! I'm almost an ex owner but I'm having trouble selling mine lol

Advocate II
April 21-23 ohio Back roads trip..posted in meet ups..and 3 different ohio Midwest overlanding facebook groupsWhat up everyone! My name is sam and I'm in Columbus, Ohio. Any meet ups planned?
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Enthusiast I
Sounds awesome!The ohio run last weekend was EPIC SUCESS!! 27 Rigs an 47 folks!! I will have a few more runs this year and the same backroad run in the fall!! So much Awsome
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Sounds like I need to get my butt in gear and get more active on here. I would have loved to partake in the T4R!I posted pics and videos in the trip thread.
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Member III
I'm over in Northfield. Welcome aboard brother. #4892
Contributor II
Influencer II
Welcome!Port Clinton/Sandusky area with a 1998 Wrangler sport but hopefully in a few months will have a 2017 Tacoma to start building. Interested in finding places to go.
To all ohio ob members. Im talking with a few other people about making a trip to cherry springs Pennsylvania for some star gazing. Or to shenandoah national park in virginia. Will be getting more info at a later time. Message me if you're interested in going! (No dates planned yet)
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