I love the idea and it is exactly what Overland Bound is all about! Get as many folks all over the world involved as possible!
@CorrieOB and I talked about how we would do this. Time and resources are the biggest limiters, but lets say that wasn't the case...
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The Off the Grid Rally was really successful not only from an off-road and learning standpoint, but also from a community standpoint. We worked hard to create the right environment, and select the right kind of terrain. We were also able to get moderate corporate sponsorship to donate for a great raffle (About $3,500 worth), and to help cover the costs of the event. That was key! If $ were no object, I'd work together with someone in your region to start setting it up, and I'd love to attend.
Regardless, I think it will happen some day...maybe even in 2016! I'd love for it to be an official Overland Bound Off the Grid Rally East, and it will soon enough, but regardless, you guys should get together! I love seeing OB members get together. THats what this is all about.
Let me know what I can do to help, or if I can answer questions. I see Off the Grid happening regionally soon enough, but OB has a little growing to do to make resources ($) less of an obstacle.
On a related note, we have also thought of having regional chapters. Have a representative of a region come out to CA and spend at least a weekend with us on an overland trip in the Sierras, talk about Overland Bound, and the community, and why we do it, principles etc. Then that person would be the regional chapter leader or representative, and be able to plan Official Off the Grid Rally's, or any other Overland Bound related events and uphold the community feel and principles outlined here:
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