OB Spare Fluids Container

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Ronald Miranda

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Sometimes we just carry a lot of things like Motor Oil, Transm Fluid, Axle Fluid and stuffs like that.

But we do carry them properly? 1 qt of motor oil can ruin your trip big time.

So why don't designs a lightweight, flat bottom, properly sized, not huge, spare fluid box?
With basic tools storage included.

Just a crazy idea that I had when cleaning my rig the other day! (pricked oil qt)


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When I transport my chainsaw I just use a low profile cardboard box with a heavy mil trash bag rolled Dow, if there's a spill the content is contained to the bag and if the bag is compromised the cardboard will absorb some of it. You could even line the bottom of the bag with old t shirts / shop rags. If you are looking for something more durable than cardboard, an old milk crate lined with the bags works good too. Hope that helps.

Kent R

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I use a 50 cal ammo can, it fits all the fluids I need for the Jeep.


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Fruit Cove, FL
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I’m using an old plastic tool box that has hinged lid like a tackle box.
Being plastic, it will retain any leaks and serve to provide some protection for the contents.
It will hold a gallon container of oil as well as two quarts and a quart of ATF. Additionally, several small repair-type items will fit: Things like a radiator hose repair kit, tire plug kit, duct tape, zip ties, etc.
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I have a "large" foil lined, soft-sided cooler bag . . . the kind with a hard plastic bin inside and a zip around lid.
I removed the bin, lined the soft cooler with an appropriately sized trash bag, and reinserted the plastic bin. I twist the bag tightly on top before closing the zipper top.
I store all my cleaning liquids (Windex, etc.), extra fluids (oil, etc.), a roll of paper towels, some shop rags, etc.
There's a nice shoulder strap for carrying and it's not so heavy. Yes I'm such a girl!
It's dimensions are approximately 18" long x 10" wide, and 18" deep. It has rolled around in the bed of my truck and came out just fine.
I do apologize for not remembering where I got it originally, but I have seen similar coolers around. Mine is rather old now.