I had the Genesis dual battery system installed as well as the Power In the Back modification that Michael had given me the idea for. Lehr Auto Electric did a great job including making a custom mount to go on top of the battery for the circuit breaker and putting another bracket behind the Goose Gear cubbie to get to the fuse block.
Next is to get some touch up paint so I can touch up the bare metal spots that were created when I used a Dremel tool to cut off some studs down of the floor and on the side wall of the Jeep. Then I have to mount the rear door hinge screws to the side cubbie. Really simple stuff but I want to do it right.
This setup will be the groundwork for an eventual solar system to be used when the Jeep is stationary for a few days. If anyone is contemplating doing this for themselves, I was told that it's important to have the circuit breaker as close to the battery as possible. I didn't know that. I was going to mount it next to the fuse block that you see in the picture. Guess that's why Michael mounted his under the hood.....
The final goal of this is to support overlanding trips to Mexico. Eventually. I wish I could just take out the credit card and do it all at once and just start planning trips, but.....
If you all have any questions, let me know. I'll do my best to answer them.