Off-Road Ranger I
Is there solid dates set for this so I can apply for vacation?
Sent from my VS986 using OB Talk mobile app
Sent from my VS986 using OB Talk mobile app
Off-Road Ranger I
I think tentative dates are August 5th, 6th and 7th (if you want to spend an extra night). Details are on the first post.Is there solid dates set for this so I can apply for vacation?
Sent from my VS986 using OB Talk mobile app
Enthusiast III
Off-Road Ranger I
DittoI'm in, trying to find how to put my info in the sheet?
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Pathfinder II
Pathfinder II
We did have one Memorial Day Weekend!I initially thought this was June, I'm defiantly interested in August!
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Pathfinder III
Pathfinder II
I'm waiting for a bit of information from @Corrie and the OB0000 crew. As soon as we get that sorted, there will be a "Rally Point" event set up for everyone to RSVP!I'm also interested if there is still space. I've done part of this route on the WBDR, it's amazing!
Sent from my iPhone using OB Talk
Influencer I
Are we still shooting for original date?I'm waiting for a bit of information from @Corrie and the OB0000 crew. As soon as we get that sorted, there will be a "Rally Point" event set up for everyone to RSVP!
Pathfinder II
Yeah, the date isn't moving. But the location might be. Especially with as many people have interest. If even half the people on the list showed up, we'd cause the new Bethel Ridge traffic jam!Are we still shooting for original date?